60 boulevard Saint Michel
75272 Paris Cedex 06, France
Phone: +33 (0)140 51 94 62
Sven Heim
MINES Paris - PSL University
CERNA Center for Industrial Economics
ZEW Leibniz Center for European Economic Research Mannheim
I'm an associate professor of economics at the Center for Industrial Economics (CERNA) at MINES ParisTech. I am also a Research Associate at Leibniz Center for European Economic Research Mannheim (ZEW), a Research Member at the Paris Center for Law and Economics (CRED) at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas and a Research Affiliate at the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR).
My main research areas are Antitrust and Competition Economics, Empirical Industrial Economics, Energy and Environmental Economics and Information Economics.
I advise institutions and ministries like the European Commission and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy on several topics of expertise. I further serve as a court expert in cartel cases.
You can download my CV here.
The article The Anticompetitive Effects of Minority Share Acquisitions: Evidence from the Introduction of National Leniency Programs (with Kai Hüschelrath, Ulrich Laitenberger and Yossi Spiegel) has been nominated for the Antitrust Writing Awards 2023 in the category "Economics".
Feel free to vote for it :)
The paper Incumbency Advantages: Price Dispersion, Price Discrimination and Consumer Search at Online Platforms, (with Klaus Gugler, Maarten Janssen and Mario Liebensteiner) has now been accepted for publication in the Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics.
When lower prices are only available to consumers who search, firms can price discriminate based on search. We study local German electricity retail markets where non-searching consumers pay the incumbent's baseline tariff. To observe other prices, consumers access an online platform. Pricing and search patterns differ substantially across local markets. Using panel data, we show that in local markets with more search, incumbents have higher baseline tariffs, while incumbent's and entrants' online tariffs are lower. In a theoretical model, we discuss when an incumbent has an incentive to differentiate tariffs and the welfare properties of banning such price discrimination practices.
My research on The Anticompetitive Effects of Minority Share Acquisitions: Evidence from the Introduction of National Leniency Programs (with Kai Hüschelrath, Ulrich Laitenberger and Yossi Spiegel) has just been published in the American Economic Journal: Microeconomics Vol.14 No.1, February 2022 (p.366-410).
We address the growing concern that minority shareholding (MS) in rival firms may lessen competition, using the introduction of national leniency programs (LPs) as a shock that destabilizes collusive agreements. Based on data from 63 countries, we find a large and significant immediate increase in domestic horizontal MS acquisitions once an LP is introduced but only in countries where the LP is deemed to be effective. There is no effect on non-horizontal or cross-border MS acquisitions. Our findings suggest that firms may use MS acquisitions to either stabilize collusive agreements or soften competition in the event that collusion breaks down.
An interview on the topic can be found here .
A recent working paper on the effect of night curfews in Germany can be downloaded here:
Measuring the effects of COVID-19-related night curfews: Empirical evidence from Germany, with Sammy de Haas and Georg Götz (press coverage: FAZ, N-TV , RTL, SWR, BILD, ARD, Frankfurter Rundschau, L'Express, CNEWS, Sydney Morning Herald, The Age , ARD(TV), Welt (TV), SAT 1 (TV))
The book "Ex-post Economic Evaluation of Competition Policy: The EU Experience", Edited by the European Commission, Wolters Kluwer, Brussels, 311-344, 2020, has been published. It covers several chapters dealing with the ex post evaluation of individual merger interventions, antitrust decisions and State aid cases as well as the broader, macroeconomic impact of EU competition policy. Among those one by Kai Hüschelrath, Philipp Schmidt-Dengler, Maurizio Strazzeri and me.